Call for proposals on MPAN research open by May 2, 2022

Associazione Italiana Sindromi Neurodegenerative da Accumulo di Ferro (AISNAF, Italy), Hoffnungsbaum e.V. (HoBa, Germany), NBIA Disorders Association (NBIADA, USA), and Stichting Ijzersterk (The Netherlands) are soliciting the submission of research projects by investigators committed to advancing the understanding of Mitochondrial membrane Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration (MPAN) in order to pave the way to targeted treatments.
MPAN is caused by mutations of the gene C19Orf12 and manifests as one of the more frequent subtypes within the group of NBIA (Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation) Disorders. For an overview see:
More specifically, the four associations are interested in funding studies to:
• uncover the structural and/or functional properties of C19Orf12 protein,
• reveal the functional and molecular effects of various genetic mutations underlying MPAN,
• develop new disease models or study existing ones to shed light on mechanisms.
Funds are made available through contributions by all four organizations in the overall amount of USD 145,000. The following types of grant applications may be submitted:
• up to USD 70,000 for a one-year project,
• up to USD 145,000 for a two-year project.
Applicants may submit a grant application for either one or two years or both to allow flexibility and consider the different needs of researchers. Multiple grants may be awarded if two one-year grants are considered most worthy of funding.
Call documents with detailed information are available here: and they include:
• Request for Proposals / Proposal guidelines MPAN 2022
• Draft grant agreement MPAN 2022
• Templates, to be submitted in one PDF file: cover letter, PI bio, main proposal
Deadline for proposal submission: May 2, 2022, 24:00 CEST
Applicants may contact the grant manager at for further information and clarification.